Training your puppy

Getting off to a great start

A Healthy Transition

Okay, so you got your new puppy home and all is well except the crying puppy is keeping you awake you’re wondering what you were thinking when you decided to get a puppy? Take a deep breath; this is normal. Bringing a puppy home is like bringing your first newborn baby home. They are needy, they cry, pee, poop, and soon chew your fingers off. This will all get better if you are consistent, and everyone in your family is on the same track and does the same thing!

  • Your puppy has been sleeping with his momma, brothers, and sisters since the day it was born, and now it's sleeping alone. The puppy is gonna be stressed over this and cry and scream. I have found it helps to send every family home with a blanket that has a familiar smell—momma’s smell. This will comfort your puppy when she is sleeping, whether it’s in the crate or bed.

  • A safe, snuggle puppy with a heart beat works great will give your puppy something to cuddle up to so he doesn't feel so alone. Just make sure there are no buttons used for the stuffed animal’s eyes or nose—your puppy could chew these off and choke.

  • I have found what works best is put the puppy in your bedroom so it doesn't feel all alone. Place the puppy on your night side stand cover the crate with a blanket. If the puppy cries stick your fingers through the front of the crate. The puppy will sniff your fingers and fall back to sleep.

  • As your puppy gets more comfortable, he is going to become more playful and rambunctious. Puppies learn to play with their litter mates by mouthing, pouncing, and chewing—this is normal. But now there is no one but his new family to chew on his chewing can hurt! Those little teeth are very sharp.

Below are some links to an excellent articles on puppy mouthing, crate training, and potty training. If you follow these recommendations, you and your puppy will both be much happier.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Read this helpful article on mouthing, nipping and biting,

Check out this article on crate training.

Learn about potty training your new puppy.